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Commentary 24: Olympic Weightlifting Training with Commentary by Greg Everett
Commentary 16: Olympic Weightlifting Training with Commentary by Greg Everett
Commentary: Danielle Weightlifting Training with Commentary by Greg Everett & Danielle Welihozkiy
Commentary: Alyssa Sulay Weightlifting Training with Commentary by Greg Everett & Alyssa Sulay
Commentary 25: National Championships & After with Commentary by Greg Everett
Commentary 26: Segment Snatch, Segment Clean, Snatch with Commentary by Greg Everett
Commentary 6: Push Press Behind the Neck & Clean Turnover with Commentary by Greg Everett
Commentary 18: Back-up Sets & On The Minute Lifts with Commentary by Greg Everett
Commentary 23: Cleans on the Minute with Commentary by Greg Everett
Commentary 11: Clean & Clean Pull Speed with Commentary by Greg Everett
Commentary 17: Riser Deadlift with Slow Eccentric with Commentary by Greg Everett
Commentary 12: Leg Drive in Snatch & Clean with Commentary by Greg Everett